DATE 2018-11
成都创意设计周自2014年起每年定期在成都举办,受主办方邀请,co-sense第二次参与2018年第五届创意设计周,为成都市民带来好玩又有趣的文化创意内容。 此次co-sense联合维欧艺术联盟,以“手造设计”X “美学展览”为概念,旨在推动国际创意青年艺术交流,我们通过举办艺术沙龙、美学市集展览以及Workshop等形式,拉动国际创意语言的交流,让观者学习、体验、探讨,启发受众参与并引起公众对艺术设计多元化的思考。 Co-sense部分延续往年“明日灵感漫游指南”的主题,以手造印物为呈现形式,独家特邀国内外知名的三大独立杂志(来自香港的《Brand》、来自新加坡的《LOST》与内地独立杂志《Design360》 )以及成都本土杂志《可以》,共同呈现一场先锋独立杂志展,我们一起探索在zine文化中呈现的多种表现形式。并特邀了上海美学机构·印物所,印物所首次入蓉,带来各类精美印物、工具的专展,在成都掀起一场印物美学的热潮。 现场更有co-sense独立策划并设计的“co-sense design & new media”及“平凡人的收藏癖”美学展,集结创意人类的箱底收藏,宣扬co-sense的城市百态生活方式及新青年美学态度。并设立丝网印刷Workshop,让更多的爱好者们有机会近距离体验好玩的印物美学。
Chengdu Creativity and Design Week has been hold annually since 2014 in the city of Chengdu. Invited by the host, Co-sense, for the second time, #sql_show#ed up in the 5th Chengdu Creativity and Design Week, bringing funny and interesting cultural and creative content to residents in Chengdu. This time, Co-sense, together with Voart Union, with the concept of "hand-made design" X "aesthetics exhibition", aims to promote art exchange among international creative young people. We hosted art saloon, aesthetic supermarket exhibition and Workshop to promote the exchange of international creative language, and to let audience to learn, experience, discuss, and to enlighten audience to participate and think about pluralism of art design. With the hand-made printed products as the forms of display, Co-sense partially followed the previous theme of "Tomorrow's Muse Strolling Guide". We also invited the three famous independent magazines from both China and abroad("Brand" from Hong Kong, "LOST" from Singapore and the mainland independent magazine "Design360"). Never forget we also had the local Chengdu magazine "Keyi". All together, they presented a pioneering independent magazine exhibition and we explored the multiple forms of expressions presented in ZINE culture. We also invited Shanghai Aesthetic Institution: Printed Products Studio. It was the first time for them to be in Chengdu. They brought exquisite exhibition of printed products and tools. A trend of printed products aesthetics was led in Chengdu. In the spot, there were also the "Co-sense design & new media", which was planed and designed independently by co-sense, and "the collection fetish of ordinary people " aesthetic exhibitions. There gathered the collection of creative people. And it broadcasted the city phenomenon and lifestyle of co-sense as well as the aesthetic attitude of new youth. A screen printing workshop was also built to give more access to lovers to experience the interesting printed products aesthetics.