PROJECTWangfujing New Year's Red Envelope
DATE 2019-04
[王府井购物中心]作为成都老字号的购物中心,已经养成了众多具有牢实忠诚度的用户,在新年之际,特邀我们团队为他们定制设计新年红包,以用于回馈客户。 在接收到这个红包设计需求的时候,我们深入挖掘了当前的红包市场。红包作为过年期间的必备品,如何让收到红包的人感到满满心意与欢乐,让它变得更有趣,是我们对此次红包设计立的目标。好玩有趣的红包呈现更多是对热度较高的网络用语抓取,在追逐时代流行的同时也能成为流行,传递趣味的同时也能成为王府井购物中心的新年标签。 结合猪年和网络新词,选用了[搞事情]、[飞天赞]、[比心]、[猪福到]、[猪事大吉]、[套路]、[一个亿]、[躺赢]、[就是干]9个词语为一整个套系,以9款不同的字体设计为出发点,结合新年的元素,让过年发红包的寓意不单单只在于钱本身,更能让红包这个老物件有新的情感表达。
As an old and famous shopping center in Chengdu, Wangfujing Shopping Center has already developed a lot of loyal customers. At the begin of the new year, our team has been invited to customize New Year red envelope for them, which will be used to give back to customers. When we received that demand for envelope design, we dug deep into the current red envelope market. The red envelope is a must-have item for the Chinese New Year, how to make people receiving them feel full of regard and joy, and how to make them more interesting, are the goals we want to achieve in this design of red envelops. Usually, the fun and interesting red envelopes can seize the popular internet language. They can become fashion when they chase fashion. They can convey delight while becoming the new year label of Wangfujing Shopping Center. Combined with the Year of the Pig and new words from the internet, the envelopes are designed as a series of nine words: "Doing something", "Praise like the Flying Apsaras", "Making hearts", "Good luck brought by the pig", "Everything will be good in the year of the pig", "Set patterns", "One million", "Win without efforts". The envelope design takes nine different font designs as the starting point, combines the elements of the New Year, and tries to give the traditional red envelope a new emotional expression beyond giving money.