PROJECTExpressed by Paktin
SERVICEBrand design 品牌设计
DATE 2019-01
说起[朴田],成都的年轻人应该都有所耳闻,它在大家心中的印象就是一个个的标签#网红店、#永远在排队、#泰式海鲜火锅、#装修精致、#严格品质把控、#每家店都有特色 等等。 在[朴田]团队找到我们提出想要对品牌进行一次整体形象升级的时候,我们早已经对它有了一定的了解。 和[朴田]团队的深度沟通碰撞后,围绕这次的品牌视觉形象升级,我们提取了一些关键词[自然]、[柔美]、[清新]、[梦幻]、[态度]。 解读这一系列的关键词后,我们从原先的设计里彻底抛弃了朴田logo中的图形元素,将朴田首字母“P”进行放大成为核心,将植物元素融入其中,强调整个字母的柔和性以及强识别性,同时也设计了与中文字体一体化的专属英文字体标志。 针对这次的设计,同时延展设计了两组插画,应用于不同版块物料上的不同使用需求。一组代表整个品牌的调性,以超现实的梦境风格展开,把海鲜火锅拟作一个梦境世界,将人、生物、植物的共存空间幻化为一个“朴田”的世界,大面积应用在了用餐系统以及宣传系统上。 另一组以素描的表现手法结合植物的元素,应用在了朴田办公VI方面,增加本身的专业性和美学感。
Paktin is a familiar name among the young people of Chengdu, evidenced by the fact that it has been tagged for a lot of features: #online influencer restaurant, #forever long lines, #Thai style seafood hotpot, #delicate decorations, #strict quality control, and #every restaurant is with unique charms, etc. Actually, we had gained an understanding of Paktin before it approached us for completely upgrading its brand image. Upon delving into in-depth discussions with the team of Paktin, we narrowed down to multiple keywords for the brand visual image upgrading: [nature], [gentle], [fresh], [illusion], and [attitude]. From there, we decided to forfeit the logo graphics of Paktin’s original design, and the initial “P” got enlarged into the core with the elements of plants, which highlight the softness of “P” letter and ensure an instant identification. Meanwhile, a special English font was adopted in the design to be integrated with the Chinese font. Two sets of illustrations were designed to meet the varied demands of different plate materials. Specifically, one set represents the general key of the brand to #sql_show#case a surreal dreamy aura, and seafood hotpot is deemed as a dreamland in which the common space of men, creatures, and plants gets mysteriously transformed into a Paktin world, which is applied to a lot of dining systems and publicity systems. Another set of sketches are integrated with plant elements that are applied to the office environment of Paktin, whose professionalism and aesthetics get enhanced as a result.